


Due on Monday, March 8th at 11:59 PM. This is a compiler lab. If you have a partner, the two of you will complete this lab as a team. If you do not have a partner, you are effectively in a team by yourself.

If you are working with a partner, please be familiar with the Partner Etiquette guidelines. You and your partner share a single repository and, barring unusual circumstances, will receive the same grade. If you experience any difficulties in your partnership, please alert your instructor as soon as possible.

If you are working alone, please don’t hesitate to seek help if you get stuck. Since there are no ninjas for this course and you don’t have a partner, your instructor is the only interactive resource available to you and is happy to help you through any problems you might encounter.

In either case, be familiar with the academic integrity policy! You are permitted to discuss high-level details of your compiler project with other students, but you should never see or share anything that will be turned in for a grade. If you need help, please post in Slack or, if necessary, contact the instructor directly. Make sure to post privately if you are sharing code. If you have any doubts about what is okay and what is not, it’s much safer to ask than to risk violating the Academic Integrity Policy.


This is the first graded lab in which you will produce a compiler. Your team name was sent to you prior to the start of this lab. Your compiler work will be done in a GitHub repository at the following URL:<teamname>

You will be maintaining this repository throughout the course of the semester; all of your compiler lab assignments will be submitted by modifying this code and pushing your updates to the GitHub server. You are permitted to manage this repository in most any way you like so long as the command-line interface for using the compiler remains the same (though you might want to check with your instructor before making sweeping changes!). You are permitted (and encouraged!) to create new modules for helper functions, split the existing modules into multiple parts, or even change how your compiler is built.

If you are working with a partner on your compiler assignments, it’s probably a good idea to make sure you have a collaboration tool like Live Share configured. Please see the course Live Share setup guide for instructions.

Getting To Know Your Code

Your repository starts with several files to get you started. Since you’ll be in charge of this code, we’ll begin by introducing you to it. Some of the files are critical to the compiler and you’ll likely be changing them every week; other files contain boilerplate for e.g. running clang to link object files and you probably won’t need to change it at all. Here’s a summary of what the starter code does for you:

Building Your Code

The starter code is ready to be compiled. You can build your compiler just by typing


This will create a file hatch that contains your compiler. (It’s actually a link to a file in the _build directory containing your compiler. The link is for convenience.) You can use this compiler to compile some code by typing e.g.:

./hatch test_code/4.bird

This will fail, since we haven’t written any of the important compiler functions yet.

The make command will also compile your unit tests into a program called tests. You can run this program as usual:


This will report two failing tests because, again, we haven’t done any of the work yet.

The Auklet Language

Each compiler lab will introduce you to the language you will be compiling; most of these languages build upon the previous language. Our first language, Auklet, only has a few features: variables, integers, and very basic operations on them.

For each language, we must define

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Auklet is:

<expression> ::=
  | <integer>
  | after(<expression>)
  | before(<expression>)
  | let <identifier> = <expression> in <expression>
  | <identifier>
  | <expression> + <expression>
  | <expression> - <expression>
  | <expression> * <expression>
  | (<expression>)

Abstract Syntax

The abstract syntax of Auklet can be found in the file src/language/ it is the expr data type. Note that the abstract syntax does not have the parenthetical expression (<expression>) above. This is because parentheticals like this only affect the shape of the AST, not its contents, and so can be handled by the parser.

show Functions

In examining the ASTs, you will likely notice an OCaml syntax we did not discuss. The unary_operator type, for instance, looks like this:

type unary_operator =
  | OpAfter
  | OpBefore
[@@deriving eq, ord, show]

The [@@deriving ...] part of the declaration is called a PPX extension and works sort of like a template: it represents code that will be generated for you by the compiler. This PPX extension doesn’t affect the meaning of the type and you can ignore it if you wish.

The important part for you is that this PPX extension generates a show function for the type. For instance, the above declaration creates a function named show_unary_operator with type unary_operator -> string, which means you can write e.g.

print_endline (show_unary_operator OpAfter)

and the string “OpAfter” will be printed. This will be especially helpful in your unit tests. We didn’t use this extension for assembly code because the output is always in an OCaml-like form, which doesn’t match the concrete syntax for x86 assembly. It is useful for debugging and testing purposes, though!


An Auklet program always evaluates to a single number, which the driver will print. The after and before built-in expressions increase and decrease (respectively) their argument by one. let expressions bind a new variable to the result of an expression within another expression; the variable bound by the let is only in scope in the second expression. Binary arithmetic operators behave just as they do in mathematics. Here are some examples of Auklet programs:

Concrete syntax Abstract syntax Evaluated result
4 EInt(4) 4
before(after(after(7))) EUnaryOp(OpBefore,EUnaryOp(OpAfter,EUnaryOp(OpAfter,EInt(7)))) 8
let x = 1 in after(x) ELet("x",EInt(1),EUnaryOp(OpAfter,EVar("x"))) 2
4 + 2 EBinaryOp(OpPlus,EInt(4),EInt(2)) 6
before(5) - 4 EBinaryOp(OpMinus, EUnaryOp(OpBefore,EInt(5)), EInt(4)) 0
let x = let y = 4 in y + 1 in x + x ELet("x",ELet("y",EInt(4),EBinaryOp(OpPlus,EVar("y"),EInt(1))),EBinaryOp(OpPlus,EVar("x"),EVar("x"))) 10
4 + a EBinaryOp(OpPlus, EInt(4), EVar("a")) compile error

Note that the last example shows a case in which a variable is used without being defined. This doesn’t make any sense: it has no meaning and so we can’t sensibly translate it to assembly. If your compiler encounters an undefined variable use in the program it is compiling, it should raise the UnboundVariable exception found in the file; the starter code will catch that exception and take care of translating it into a readable error message.

Implementing the Auklet Compiler

In the starter code,

Your primary task, then, is to add this functionality. You may do so in any way you see fit, but you are recommended to take the following path:

  1. Start in for a warm-up. This file contains some data types describing the AST for a small subset of Intel x86 assembly language. There are five functions here which can turn the assembly language data types into strings of assembly code; they are used by the compiler to generate the file given to nasm. Start by implementing these functions. You can write tests if you like.

    Note that a Guide to x86 Assembly from the University of Virginia may be helpful here. In particular, the binary operator instructions will be add, sub, and imul. The mul instruction does not behave the way that add and sub do; the imul instruction will be much more familiar.

  2. Next, move to The compile_expression function is used to transform an Auklet AST into a list of assembly instructions. Complete the generation of those instructions for the integer, after, and before expressions. For now, skip the other expressions. Your compiler should now work on programs with just integers, after, and before. Try it out!

  3. Once you have unary operators working, you should consider let expressions. As we discussed in class, let expressions compute the result of an expression, store that result in a variable, and then execute a second expression. In the second expression, the variable name can be used to refer to the result of the first expression. We accomplish this in our compiler by reserving memory on the stack to store the result of the first expression. To keep track of how we are using stack memory, we will use the tools in

    In this setting, the “environment” is a description of where information will be stored when the compiled program is running. For instance, in the expression

    let x = after(4) in before(x)

    we are expected to store the value 4 somewhere so we can then retrieve it and use it in the before expression. This requires us to set aside a location in the stack where we will put this value at runtime. If the above expression is our whole program, then we can put the x value at the position [esp-8]. If the above expression is part of a larger program, however, that location might already be taken by something else. We will use the environment data type to remember what stack memory we have already used and what stack memory is available to be allocated.

    The environment data type is defined in as a pair between an integer (the next free stack address) and a dictionary mapping strings (variable names) to assembly arguments like [esp-8]. The dictionary has the somewhat obtuse type argument Map.String.t, but you can manipulate it using functions in the Map.String module. The documentation on that module is written generically, using the type variable key rather than string and the type variable 'a rather than argument. For instance, the function Map.String.find_opt takes a string key and an argument Map.String.t dictionary and gives back an argument option (which has value None if the key isn’t in the dictionary).

    In, you will find a stub for a function allocate_named_variable. This function takes a variable name (as a string) and an existing environment. It gives back an address where the named variable can be stored when the program is running and a new environment. (Remember: we’re approaching this in an immutable style, so the old environment doesn’t change; we just make a new one). You should also implement find_named_variable, which takes a variable name and an environment and looks up the location where that variable was previously stored.

    Remember that you’re free to make any changes to this file you’d like, add helper functions, or even change the type of environment as long as your compiler works correctly.

  4. Now that you have an environment that can allocate named variables, you can return to to add support for let expressions via the ELet and EVar constructors. Note that the compile_program function has already been written to pass an empty environment to the first call to compile_expression. You just need to use the environment passed to compile_expression (and to pass the new environment to recursive calls as appropriate) to allocate stack memory correctly.

  5. Finally, you’ll need to repeat steps three and four for binary operators. The user does not name the subexpressions for a binary operator; that is, in 1 * 2 + 3 * 4, the subexpression 1 * 2 does not have a name. Nonetheless, you can allocate a stack address for it! The stub allocate_temp_variable in is meant for just this purpose. Implement that function and then return to compile_expression to add code to handle binary expressions appropriately. Remember to be careful about evaluation order: you must evaluate the left subexpression first!

Testing the Auklet Compiler

You can test your compiler directly after you make the program by running hatch on a .bird file (e.g. ./hatch test_code/4.bird). All code that the compiler generates gets stored in the output directory. If something goes wrong in assembling or linking your code, you can see this in the files stored in the logs directory (which capture the output and error messages of the nasm and clang calls we make).

You can also unit test your compiler. The src/ file contains functions that will help you build OUnit tests. For this lab, test_success is the most useful. This function takes the name of a source file and the output that you expect that source to produce when it is compiled and run.

You can see some examples of how to use these functions in the provided file. For this assignment only, you are required to write some tests that exercise the Auklet language. Specifically, you must write tests to verify the behavior of each of the expressions (integers, unary operators, let expressions, and binary operators). You should make sure you nest these expressions so you can see if your environment is working correctly for deeper ASTs (e.g. 1 * 2 + 3 * 4).

Future assignments will not require you to write unit tests, but you definitely should. As the semester progresses, the unit tests that you write now will save you time in each future assignment. You can do your future self a favor by getting into the habit of writing unit tests!

Debugging the Auklet Compiler

There are a variety of techniques you can use to debug your compiler:


To complete this assignment, you’ll need to


It is not enough just to push your code. Due dates are flexible, so it is necessary for you to take action to make it clear which commit you would like to have graded. We will use Git tags for this. A tag is a way of giving a human-readable name to a particular commit. Unlike a branch, however, tags are expected not to change once they are created.

When you are finished working on this compiler assignment, commit and push your work. Then, once you are sure that there are no additional changes you need to make, run the following commands:

$ git tag auklet-submission
$ git push --tags

This will create a tag named auklet-submission and push that tag to the Swarthmore GitHub Enterprise server. Your work on that tag will be graded.

In addition to pushing and tagging your work, you will need to fill out a brief questionnaire found here. In most cases, the questionnaire should take less than a minute. This questionnaire is required and will be used as part of your participation grade.

If You Have Trouble…

…then please contact your instructor! Slack is the preferred method, but you can reach out via e-mail as well. Good luck!