Data Structures and Algorithms

Lab 6: Binary Search Trees

Due on Sunday, October 30th at 11:59 PM. This is a team lab. You and your assigned lab partner(s) will complete this lab together. Make sure that you are familiar with the Partner Etiquette guidelines. You may discuss the concepts of this lab with other classmates, but you may not share your code with anyone other than course staff and your lab partner(s). Do not look at solutions written by students other than your team. If your team needs help, please post on the Piazza forum or contact the instructor or ninjas. If you have any doubts about what is okay and what is not, it’s much safer to ask than to risk violating the Academic Integrity Policy.


For this lab, you will implement binary search tree (BST) data structure. You will then write a series of unit tests to confirm that your data structure works correctly.

Starting Code


Your starting code can be found in the appropriate repository for your team. The following is a description of the repository’s initial comments; bolded files are those which you may need to change.

The vector STL Class

The vector<T> class, found in the vector library, is the C++ STL implementation of an array list. It is used somewhat differently from our List<T> interface. Here’s a handy translation guide:

Operation List code vector code
Insert at front myList.insertAtHead(value) no simple equivalent
Insert at back myList.insertAtTail(value) myVector.push_back(value)
Determine size myList.getSize() myVector.size()
Get element by index myList.get(index) myVector[index]
Set element by index no equivalent myVector[index] = value
Remove from back myList.removeTail() myVector.pop_back()

One other difference is that the pop_back method is void; you must retrieve the last element yourself if you want to see that element before it is removed.

The primary reason that we introduce vector for this lab is because vectors can also be copied just like pairs. Consider the following code:

List<int>* listPointer1 = new STLList<int>(); // create a pointer to a new List
List<int>* listPointer2 = listPointer1;  // copy the pointer
listPointer1->insertAtTail(4);           // add an element
cout << listPointer2->getSize() << endl; // prints 1; they point to the same List
List<int> list1;                         // create a statically-allocated list
List<int> list2 = list1;                 // illegal! Lists doesn't know how to copy themselves!

vector<int> vector1;                     // create a statically-allocated
vector<int> vector2 = vector1;           // vectors do know how to copy themselves
cout << vector2.size() << endl;          // prints 2 (since both elements were copied)
vector1[0] = 2;                          // assigns 2 to the first position of vector 1
cout << vector2[0] << endl;              // prints 4; vector 2 is a different vector

Some methods of the BST ADT interface use vector to prevent you from having to worry about memory management (e.g. delete) for the values they return.

Implementing a Binary Search Tree

Most of the work of this lab is implementing the binary search tree. Your implementation is spread across two files: linkedBST__definitions.h (which contains the implementation of the LinkedBST class’s methods) and linkedBSTNodeFunctions__definitions.h (which contains helper functions for those methods to use). The LinkedBST class is a template class with two templated type names: K (the type of the keys in the BST) and V (the type of the values). The LinkedBST class itself tracks only two pieces of data:

A single node stores information about its key, its value, and its left and right children. If a node does not have a child, then the corresponding pointer variable will be set to NULL.

Many of the methods in the binary search tree are natural to implement recursively. For this reason, you will write a collection of recursive helper functions for your LinkedBST methods to call. For instance, the height of a node is equal to one more than the largest of the heights of its two children. (The max function can be found in the C++ algorithm library.) Many of the public methods of LinkedBST will be single-line calls to these recursive functions to begin the operation at the BST’s root node.


The LinkedBST class must provide implementations of traversal methods: methods which allow us to see every piece of data in the tree. A traversal is given by a list of key-value pairs; we will represent such a pair as a pair object.

Example BST

The BST interface supports four different kinds of traversal:

The first three forms of traversal are quite similar and are natural to define recursively. The level-order traversal is somewhat different and requires a breadth-first search approach similar to that which you used in the previous lab.

Wikipedia has some nice pictures of these traversals for reference. Note that your program is adding the elements to a list rather than “displaying” them as described on that Wikipedia page.

Testing the Binary Search Tree

In addition to implementing the LinkedBST class and the helper methods, you must write unit tests for them as well. To get you started, some of the tests in tests.cpp have been completed for you. For each remaining test, a comment containing the string “TODO” has been provided. You must write one test for each of these comments that tests the appropriate method or function in a non-trivial way. For the recursive functions, you must provide at least one test that utilizes recursion; for BST methods, you must provide a test that operates on a tree of height greater than one. For example, consider the following test:

TEST(negativeHeight) {
    LinkedBSTNode<int,string>* tree = NULL;
    CHECK_EQUAL(-1, subtreeHeight(tree));

If you were required to write a test for subtreeHeight, this test would not suffice; it does not trigger recursion within the subtreeHeight function. (A test for subtreeHeight has already been provided in your lab.) You are welcome to include the above test (or tests like it) in your lab submission, but make sure that each of the functions and methods has at least one non-trivial test.

Please remember that these tests are a development tool as well as a lab requirement. You should write these tests as soon as possible and use them to help you find bugs and verify the correctness of your code. You may even wish to write the tests before you write your implementation just so you can make certain that you know what you expect your code to do. If you use manualTests to figure out what’s happening in your code, you might also consider copying that code into tests.cpp once you figure out what you expect from it.

Implementation Strategy


This lab involves writing more code than previous labs, so it is useful to plan an approach to your work. Below is a strategy which should organize your efforts; you are not required to proceed in this order, but it might help.

  1. LinkedBSTNode functions
    1. Begin by writing an implementation of the subtreeFind function. Make sure to read linkedBSTNodeFunctions.h for a description of exactly what that funciton should do.
    2. Run make tests and ./tests to determine if your subtreeFind function works correctly. You will not be able to make the test pass since you haven’t yet written subtreeDelete. However, the test should fail when calling subtreeDelete and not produce any other errors.
    3. Implement subtreeDelete. Then, run ./tests to see if the subtreeFind test passes. If it does not, debug subtreeDelete until it does.
    4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for subtreeHeight.
    5. For each of the remaining LinkedBSTNode helper functions, write an implementation and a test. You may wish to write the test before the implementation; it’s okay if you write it afterwards. Complete each of these helper functions one at a time, carefully referring to linkedBSTNodeFunctions.h.
      • Pay special attention to subtreeInsert and subtreeRemove, as they are required to create or delete a single node (respectively) unless an exception is thrown.
  2. LinkedBST methods
    1. As with LinkedBSTNode, begin by writing implementations for the existing tests. You should start with the constructor, destructor, insert, and get methods. All of these routines must work correctly for the first BST test to pass.
    2. Once this test passes, write code for the provided tests of small methods (getSize and isEmpty). Do not proceed until your tests for these methods pass.
    3. Implement the methods of LinkedBST as you did the helper functions above: write and test one method at a time. These methods will generally require less code than the recursive helper methods; many of them just call the helper methods with this->root as one of the arguments.
  3. Debug any memory leaks as described below.

Once you are finished, you should be able to compile and run the word counting program. For your convenience, a few text documents have been provided in the test_data directory.


For this lab, your program is required to run without memory errors or leaks. You should use valgrind as you proceed in your testing to track memory errors. When you have a complete first draft of your implementation:

Coding Style Requirements

You are required to observe some good coding practices:

Well-dressed people (style)

Peer Review

As this is a team assignment, you are required to complete a peer review of your lab partner or partners. You must do this even if everything is fine. You should complete this peer review after you have turned in your assignment. The peer review comes in the form of a simple Google Form and can be accessed here; in most cases, it will likely take less than a minute to complete. If you have trouble accessing this peer review, please make sure that you are logged into Google using your Swarthmore credentials.

Your peer review will be kept private; only course staff will have access to this information. You can also update your peer review after you have submitted it. However, if you do not submit a peer review, you will lose participation grade points. Please don’t forget!

Summary of Requirements

When you are finished, you should have