- What would the output of the following be?
for i in range(5):
for j in range (3):
print "%d %d %s" % (i,j,(i+j)*"X")
- Write a program that asks the user for a positive integer, n, and
then calculates and displays the sum of all numbers from 1 to n.
For example, if the user enters 5, the program calculates 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
- Write a program that reads in student grades from the user
until the user enters a -1. After reading in the -1, the program
should compute and display the average grade:
Please enter your grades below.
Enter a -1 when you are all done...
grade 1: 98
grade 2: 87
grade 3: 65
grade 4: 95
grade 5: 81
grade 6: -1
The average of those 5 grades is 85.2
- Write a program that asks the user for a number (positive integer, n), and then
asks the user to click the mouse n times, anywhere in a graphics window, each time drawing a small
red circle where the user clicked.
- What would be the TYPE of each of these?
p = Point(100,200) type of p?
c = Circle(p, 5) type of c?
x = c.getRadius() type of x?
c2 = c.clone() type of c2?
L = [c, c2] type of L?
m = L[0] type of m?
y = L[1].getCenter().getY() type of y?
- Given the assignments for S and L, what is the value and type of
each expression?
L = ["There are", "many", "like it,", "but this one", "is mine."]
S = "abcdefg"
"a" in L[2]
"ABC" in S