knerr cs21 notes...
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WEEK08: searching, analysis of algorithms
W: linear and binary search on words
- quiz 4 this Friday...while loops, file I/O!
- practice quiz is up on the web page
- Lab 7 due *next* Tuesday night (Nov 3)
- if you want to use Andy Danner's lab 6 functions in your
lab 7, do this:
from lab06 import *
then use his GetAConsonant, GetMenuOption, IsAVowel, PrintMenu
functions. For the function help info, do this:
>>> import lab06
>>> help(lab06)
- can use in operator for numbers or words:
>>> L = ["dog", "cat", "pony"]
>>> "fish" in L
>>> "pony" in L
- how does the "in" operator work?? does it use linear search,
binary search, or some other search??
- copy ~jk/inclass/ and figure out what it does!
- now copy and see how it uses goodwords
- now add your linear and binary search functions from last time
to, and see if you can get it to work:
$ python
Found apple at index 2401 using linear search
Found apple at index 2401 using binary search
Found pony at index 42026 using linear search
Found pony at index 42026 using binary search
Linear search did not find Swarthmore
Binary search did not find Swarthmore
Linear search did not find swarthmore
Binary search did not find swarthmore
- when you want to copy a file into the file you are currently
editing, use :r filename
(note: you must be in command mode to do this. If you're not
sure what mode you're in, hit the ESCAPE key to get to command mode)
- if you want to cut and paste with the mouse, try this:
* in the file you want to add to, make sure you're in INSERT
mode and at the right line. Now hit the F2 key to get into
INSERT(paste) mode
* with the mouse, use the left button to drag across the text
you want to copy, then go to the vim window and hit the middle
mouse button to paste the text
- if you want to move a block of text over to the right or left, try this:
* get to command mode (hit the ESCAPE key)
* use shift-v and the arrow keys to highlight a block of code
* hit shift-greaterthan to move the block right or
shift-lessthan to move the block left
- copy ~jk/inclass/ and run the code:
$ python
-- Welcome to A N A G R A M --
Enter a word and I'll find the anagrams (QUIT to quit): miles
- look at the code to see how it works. You should be able to understand
all but the Anagram function, which uses recursion (we'll cover that
next week)
- the Anagram function just creates a list of all possible permutations
of the given word. If you type in cat, Anagram creates the following
list: ['cat', 'act', 'atc', 'cta', 'tca', 'tac']
- this list of all permutations is sent to displayAnagram which only
prints out the real English words.
- what happens when I type in an 8-letter word???
- why does it run so slow???
- for a 3-letter word there are 6 permutations. How many are there
for a 4-letter word? How about a 5-letter word??