$ python3 fivesixseven.py

Enter your name: Shafi Goldwasser

Hi Shafi Goldwasser welcome to the game of 5-6-7!
Each round you pick a number between 0 and 5 inclusive
and the computer picks a number between 0 and 5 inclusive.
If the total of the two values is between 5 and 7 inclusive,
you win!  If not, the computer wins.  :(
At the end of all the rounds, I'll print out your win percentage

Good luck!

Enter the number of rounds you'd like to play (up to 30 max):
Enter a value between 1 and 30: 100
hey, 100 is not between 1 and 30 try again...
Enter a value between 1 and 30: 7

Let's start round 1...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 20
hey, 20 is not between 0 and 5 try again...
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 3
  you picked 3 and computer picked 2
  You win this round!

Let's start round 2...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 1
  you picked 1 and computer picked 0
  Sorry, you lose this round!

Let's start round 3...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 2
  you picked 2 and computer picked 3
  You win this round!

Let's start round 4...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 5
  you picked 5 and computer picked 2
  You win this round!

Let's start round 5...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 3
  you picked 3 and computer picked 0
  Sorry, you lose this round!

Let's start round 6...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 2
  you picked 2 and computer picked 1
  Sorry, you lose this round!

Let's start round 7...
Shafi Goldwasser, you get to start this round by picking a number
Enter a value between 0 and 5: 3
  you picked 3 and computer picked 0
  Sorry, you lose this round!

Shafi Goldwasser, you won 3 out of 7
for a winning percentage of 0.43
The computer beat you.  Better luck next time!