Subsumption Results

Each robot was given a maximum of 5 minutes to find the light in each world


Team Strategy Challenge1 (Maze) Challenge2 (Island) Comments
Lee Seek space Yes Yes First in speed
Benn and Wiedenbeck Seek space Yes Yes Second in speed
Dalane Seek space Yes Yes
Barlow Wall following on both sides Yes Yes
Akasaka Seek space Yes Yes
Wootters and La Touche Seek space & Wall follow Yes Yes
Kitten Seek space Yes No
Yie and Ladlow Wall following on left Yes No
Gorbach and Schweinhart Wall following on both sides No Yes
Kaufman Seek space & Wall follow No Yes
Thiha Seek space No Yes
Libeks Wall following on left No Yes
Acharya and Manandhar Wall following on both sides No Yes
Pace Seek space No Yes
LaRacuente Wall following on left No Yes
Johns Wall following on both sides No Yes
Sanders Wall following on both sides No Yes
Thomas and Perkins Seek space No Yes most talkative
Blaha and Frampton Seek space No Yes
Velez Seek space No Yes
Viescas Seek space No Yes
Kim Wall following on left No Yes
Blaha and Frampton Wall following on left No No