WEEK08: more top-down design
 W: another TDD example


 - Quiz 4 this Friday (functions, while loops, TDD, File I/O)
 - Lab 7 design.py files due this Thur
 - python design.py should run without errors!!!
 - functions that are only one line are probably not good functions
   (it's expensive to call a function)

 - this is NOT a good design:

def main():

def playGame():
  """plays the game"""

REVIEW of wofdesign.py:

 - think about the program's data, and how it gets passed to/from functions

 - each function should run and return a *realistic* value:

def spin(answer, puzzlesofar, wheel, winnings, lettersguessed):
  takes care of spinning wheel and geting guess,
  should return amount of money

  return 100


 - let's design another short game:

$ python rps.py 

Rock-Paper-Scissors v0.1

rock, paper, or scissors? --> rock

You chose: rock
  I chose: scissors

you win...

Game over...

 - here's my main() function:

def main():
  """make comp choice, then play out RPS game"""

  print "\nRock-Paper-Scissors v0.1\n"
  cc = choice(["rock", "paper", "scissors"])
  uc = getUserChoice()
  print "You chose: %s" % (uc)
  print "  I chose: %s" % (cc)
  displayWinner(cc, uc)

 - write the other function stubs and get this to run
 - once it runs, think about how to fill in the functions


A HARDER CHALLENGE: keep track of who wins (only if you have time)

$ python rpsTO4.py 

Rock-Paper-Scissors v0.2 (first to 4)

rock, paper, or scissors? --> r

You chose: rock
  I chose: paper

I WIN!!!

SERIES RESULTS: user wins = 0    computer wins = 1
rock, paper, or scissors? --> p

You chose: paper
  I chose: paper

it's a draw...

SERIES RESULTS: user wins = 0    computer wins = 1
rock, paper, or scissors? --> s

You chose: scissors
  I chose: rock

I WIN!!!

SERIES RESULTS: user wins = 0    computer wins = 2
rock, paper, or scissors? -->