WEEK07: File I/O, top-down design
 F: more top-down design


  - design.py due first (email it to me)
  - show lingo game (rules, how to play, etc)


 - let's try writing another program, using top-down design

 - see if we can come up with main and stubbed-out functions
   for a wheel-of-fortune game (NOTE: I haven't written this in
   a long time, so the design process might be messy!)


$ python wof.py 

Welcome to WHEEL -- OF -- FORTUNE  v1.0

   the puzzle so far: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ 
Your winnings so far: $0

 1. Spin the Wheel
 2. Buy a Vowel
 3. Guess the Puzzle
 4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!

      your choice --> 1
         spin amount: $310
 letters guessed so far:  

enter a consonant guess: c
Yes! There are 3 c's in the puzzle!! :) 

   the puzzle so far: c _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ c _ _ _ c _   _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ 
Your winnings so far: $930

 1. Spin the Wheel
 2. Buy a Vowel
 3. Guess the Puzzle
 4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!

      your choice --> 2
   enter a vowel to buy: o
Yes! There is 1 o in the puzzle!! :) 

(and so on...)


  print rules of game
  pick a phrase/puzzle (read in possibilities from a file??)
  set up wheel
  initialize winnings = 0 to start game

    print puzzle (dashes for letters that haven't been guessed)
    display menu, get user choice
    if choice==1:
      call a spin() function
    elif choice==2:
      call a buyvowel() function

and so on...

Q: what does the spin function need?
   what all should it do?
   what should it return (if anything)?


   - spin() needs the phrase, so we can check how many of each letter
     guessed are in the answer
   - spin() needs the puzzle, so we can update it after a letter is guessed
   - spin() needs the wheel, so we can spin it and help determine the winnings
   - spin() might need the winnings, so if they spin BANKRUPT, we can return 0
   - spin() might need a list of letters guessed so far, so we can tell the
     user when they make a bad guess

   winnings = spin(phrase, puzzle, wheel, winnings, lettersguessed)

   - and with those parameters, spin() could do all of this:

       * spin wheel, display spun amount
       * ask for letter (make sure it's valid: consonant, not already guessed)
       * figure out how many of letter are in puzzle
       * calculate winnings
       * update the puzzle being displayed


 - below is the start of a wof design
 - finish the main function and stubbed-out other functions
 - don't write the details of each function UNTIL you have main and
   the stubbed-out functions running

 - NOTE: this runs, even though it doesn't do much yet!
   Now I can start working on each function, TESTING each
   as I write them...

wof design
J. Knerr
Fall 2012

from random import choice

def main():
  """main game loop for wof game"""

  phrases = readFromFile("wofphrases.txt")
  answer = choice(phrases)
  puzzlesofar = convertToDashes(answer)
  wheel = [200,500,0,100,1000,50]
  winnings = 0
  lettersguessed = []

  while True:
    # print "puzzle: ", puzzlesofar
    displayGameStatus(puzzlesofar, winnings)
    choice = displayMenuGetChoice()
    if choice == 1:
      amt = spin(answer, puzzlesofar, wheel, winnings, lettersguessed)
      winnings = winnings + amt
    elif choice == 2:
      if winnings >= 250:
        buyVowel(answer, puzzlesofar, lettersguessed)
        winnings = winnings - 250
        print "You don't have enough to buy a vowel!!"
    elif choice == 3:
      guessPuzzle(answer, winnings)
      print "LOSER"


def printIntro():
  """print out rules and user info"""

  print "wheel of fortune..."


def spin(answer, puzzlesofar, wheel, winnings, lettersguessed):
  takes care of spinning wheel and geting guess,
  should return amount of money

  return 100


def displayGameStatus(puzzlesofar, winnings):
  """display the puzzle and winnings"""

