WEEK03: booleans, logical operators, conditionals (if/else)
 M: review quiz 1, hand back lab 1, booleans, if/else

LAB2: due Tuesday


- print formatting is a better way to format your print statements
- use these tags in your strings as placeholders for variables:

         %d  for ints
         %f  for floats
         %s  for strings

- for example:

>>> name = "Ryan Howard"
>>> hrs = 10
>>> ave = 0.290
>>> print "%s has hit %d home runs and is batting %f" % (name,hrs,ave)
Ryan Howard has hit 10 home runs and is batting 0.290000

- use %20s to force a 20-character field width:

>>> print "%20s has hit %d home runs and is batting %f" % (name,hrs,ave)
         Ryan Howard has hit 10 home runs and is batting 0.290000

- use %.3f to force only 3 digits after the decimal:

>>> print "%s has hit %d home runs and is batting %.3f" % (name,hrs,ave)
Ryan Howard has hit 10 home runs and is batting 0.290


- given 3 parallel lists:

  players = ["Lebron James", "Kevin Durant", "Kobe Bryant", "Kevin Garnett"]
  ppg     = [30.3, 28.5, 30.0, 19.2]  # points-per-game
  games   = [23, 20, 12, 20]          # games played

- write a program to print out the data formatted like this:

   2012 NBA Playoff Stats:
   Lebron James averaged 30.3 points/game in 23 games
   Kevin Durant averaged 28.5 points/game in 20 games
    Kobe Bryant averaged 30.0 points/game in 12 games
  Kevin Garnett averaged 19.2 points/game in 20 games

- how can we use a for loop to work through all 3 lists?

  for i in range(len(players)):
    print "%15s averaged %.1f points/game in %d games" % (players[i], ppg[i], games[i])

  what is i in the above code?

BRANCHING...how do we do this in a program???

$ python speed.py 
How fast were you going? 50
OK...off you go.

$ python speed.py 
How fast were you going? 75
that's too fast....here's your ticket

SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

** need some way to test something and decide if it's True
   or False. And if it's True, do one thing; if it's False,
   do something else. This is called a BRANCH, as execution
   of your program can follow one of two (or more) paths

BOOLEANS...a new type

>>> x = True
>>> type(x)
<type 'bool'>
>>> y = true
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File < stdin > line 1, in < module >
NameError: name 'true' is not defined
>>> z = False
>>> type(z)
<type 'bool'>
>>> print z

COMPARISON OPERATORS (be careful with ==)

>>> i=10
>>> j=15
>>> i < j
>>> i > j
>>> i == j
>>> i >= j
>>> i != j


if < condition >:
  do this
  and this
  do that

--> condition is an expression that evaluates to True or False

--> can do if without an else

>>> if i < j:
...   print "i is less than j"
i is less than j

>>> if i == j:
...   print "i and j are equal"
... else:
...   print "i is not equal to j"
i is not equal to j

FOR LOOP WORKSHEET: /home/jk/inclass/forloopsWorksheet.py